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(630) 248-5405

Ending Poverty-Create a World Where Every Child Gets a Great Education!

Monetary Donation


Details on what is needed:Via our holistic business model that recognizes our students need much more than just having their school fees paid for, we empower children in Kenya with education as we work to build a world where every child gets a great education. Our staff in Kenya every day helps our children overcome the enormous obstacles they face every day. Few children in Kenya get to go to high school. We send children to high school and then on to either university or vocational school. As of today we have awarded 228 scholarships; 47 to university; 42 students to vocational school; 5 university graduates; 29 vocational school graduates; 107 high school students; 118 students currently in high school. Because girls face many extra challenges, we always divide our money 50/50 between girls and boys. To end poverty, girls must be educated. We have on of our students at Elmhurst University in the US who is now in her third year of college. So, the key difference in what we do is our staff. We love our numbers but what is much more important is the quality of our work. Donations of any amount are welcome. If someone whats to sponsor a student for all of high school, that is ScholarBright Gift of $3,500. To sponsor a student through high school and post high school, that is a Legacy Gift of $10,000.

Donations of all amounts are welcome. You can go to the website and also: Venmo: @weisssf Cash App: $weisssf

Monetary Donation

(Urgent Priority)